
A step forward for improving Tunisian Universities' Governance through local trainings

As part of the SAGESSE project – Improving Governance in the Higher Education System in Tunisia – and under the coordination of UNIMED and the Virtual University of Tunis, all public Tunisian universities are organizing their local trainings addressed to university staff (academic and administrative) of their faculties and institutions. This activity is among the key pillars of the project which gives sustainability to the capacity building activities carried out throughout the life of the project.

Therefore, the university staff which has been already trained during the past three years of the project, are called upon to choose one or more key themes related to the improvement of university governance and to organize some trainings as means of knowledge transfer, best practices sharing and as opportunities of training further university staff.

Tunisian universities are organising local training on several topics ranging from the quality assurance to the Strategic planning, from the Performance monitoring to the Information system & Data management; from the Management control to the Internal Audit, from the Financial management to Internationalization and E-administration; from Certification and Quality Accreditation Process in Higher Education to Social responsibility of universities, which have been all the training themes tackled in SAGESSE .

In this context, Tunisian Universities participate in the national reform of their governance, improving their management, modernizing their information and communication systems, strengthening the quality assurance processes and developing the e-administration.

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