
SAGESSE will be presented during the CBHE Virtual Fair !

The results of the project SAGESSE will be presented on the 27th of October at 1.15 PM (CEST time) during the CBHE Virtual Fair that will take place on 26 and 27 October 2021.

The Erasmus+ National Offices (NEO) with the support of the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) organise this Virtual Fair to showcase best results and inspiring practices emerging from Capacity Building projects in Higher Education (CBHE). The Virtual Fair is an online event lasting two days (26 and 27 Oct) and offering the opportunity to about 100 CBHE projects, representing all regions, to showcase their most relevant results in front of an international and varied audience composed by academics from Programme and Partner countries, university managers and students, national policy makers, EU staff and other stakeholders.

The Virtual Fair includes plenary sessions, parallel workshops and a limited number of interactive training sessions targeting small groups and carried out by project partners.
For more information about the initiative, please download the booklet here

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