
Initiatives towards a better autonomy of Tunisian Universities

The University of Monastir and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, coordinators of work package 5 "Dynamization of Quality Committees and Recommendations towards a better autonomy of universities" organized during the month of May two online events due to the health crisis of the global covid19 pandemic.
The first workshop on “Networking of Quality Committees: From quality policy to operation through the quality manual” took place on May 4, 2021 online and saw the participation of 130 people between presidents, vice -Presidents, directors, managers of the Quality Committees and members of Committees of the 13 Tunisian universities and their establishments.
This workshop follows the organization of a first Workshop on July 23, 2020 on the Revitalization of Quality Committees organized at the University of Monastir where all the Tunisian partner universities of SAGESSE met with the Ministry of Tunisian ES and IEAQA to draft recommendations on how to make the Quality Committees operational.
The objective of the May 4 workshop was, in order to make the CpQs more operational, also how to network the quality committees in order to coordinate their efforts in the implementation of quality assurance in universities and their establishments. , for a real sharing of experiences and good practices on the functioning and operation of the Quality Committees. The event saw the presentation of two speakers, notably Fabrice Henard and Bechir Allouch who gave an overview of the quality policy and the establishment of a quality assurance system within universities and their HEIs.
The Tunisian partners, the IEAQA, the University of Gafsa, Tunis Al Manar and Sfax shared their experiences on how to set up a quality management system through the collaborative work of the Quality Committees. 

To view the recording of the webinar, click here.

The second online event was a webinar on the theme “Dashboards” which took place on May 19, 2021 in which approximately 100 people from Tunisian universities and their establishments participated.
This webinar was moderated by a team of experts from the University of Rennes 1, and was addressed to the Presidents, Vice-Presidents and General Secretaries of the 13 Tunisian public universities as well as the first representatives of the PAQ cells of the universities. In fact, in order to increase university autonomy, strengthen good participatory governance and obtain better university performance, it is essential to be able to have adequate dashboards for better coordination between the main officials (Presidents, Vice -Presidents, Secretaries General) and effective monitoring thanks to results and impact indicators.
On this occasion, experiences were presented at the international level and more precisely, at the French level in the specific context of the University of Rennes 1, in order to share the difficulties, practices and challenges encountered in the definition and in the implementation of the dashboard. The objective of the webinar aimed in fact to put into perspective a dynamic which, supplemented by a quality approach, truly challenges the actors and especially the presidential team.

To view the recording of the webinar, click here. 

These initiatives were prepared within the framework of synergies and the pooling of “SAGESSE & PROMESSE” resources and were in fact complementary to the training-action in management of two projects in order to prepare the Universities - as main actors - for the subjects discussed.

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