
Training-Initiation to Sphinx iQ 2 and DATAVIV tools: a further step towards national reform

In the framework of the national reform, Universities in Tunisia are modernizing the information and communication system, strengthen the digitization and use of ICTs and develop e-administration.

In this context and within the framework of the SAGESSE project, the partners decided to adopt a complete software solution making it possible to carry out simple and complex quantitative and qualitative surveys such as satisfaction surveys, surveys on the future of graduates, evaluation questionnaires (institutional, curriculum and so on), teaching evaluation campaigns and surveys on business needs.

A training course on Sphinx iQ 2 and DATAVIV tools therefore took place in Tunis at UVT, the Virtual University of Tunis, coordinator of WP3, on July 21 and 22, 2020.

This introductory training enabled the 13 participants representing Tunisian universities to learn about the use of the tools already delivered to partner universities and to begin to familiarize themselves with these tools and to use them.

This introductory training therefore represented a first step in speeding up the use of equipment already available in universities, and it will be followed by another more in-depth training course next autumn.

It goes without saying that this initiative – uniform for all the thirteen Tunisian universities which have decided to buy the same tools and use the same software – is part of the strategy to reform the governance of the system at national level. It is therefore an exceptional event which concerns the national territory and which contributes to the achievement of the main mission of the SAGESSE project. From a technical point of view, however, the mechanism of double training is also of great importance to guarantee a high degree of mastery to the participants to make them able to train and supervise their counterparts in institutions.

To download the training program, please click here.

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