
State of the art and next challenges

Despite the current health emergence which affects all of SAGESSE’s partners and all the world, the planned activities have been established by the partnership for the coming months by once again demonstrating the attachment and interest in this project. However, the partnership will continue to advance on the project as much as possible and with the means available at the moment, especially through online activities.

As part of the project, a report on the “Autonomy, governance and quality assurance in Tunisian universities” was developed: it is the result of a diagnosis and discussions on the governance practices at the level of Tunisian and European universities.

A series of trainings addressed Tunisian universities were carried out throughout the life of the project, in SienaTunisMonastir and Zarzis. These trainings targeted university leaders, quality assurance responsibles and academic staff. Then field visits for training and exchange of good practices completed the training of the staff of the financial and administrative service in the integration of ICTs in financial and technical management and revision of management tools and programs. To this end, Tunisian universities have visited the financial departments of partner universities in Europe, in Barcelona, Paris and Sapienza in Rome. On the quality assurance side, a workshop entitled “Quality assurance standards and definition of a quality manual in higher education” took place in Tunis in March 2020 where several topics concerning quality assurance, from quality control to the quality management were discussed.

Currently, the SAGESSE project has reached its third year of activity. All partners are working to revitalize the quality committees – already existing at the university level- by defining their scope of action, their roles and strategies, and to create a monitoring tool that will be used by the presidency to improve the management of the activities of Tunisian universities. These activities will lead Tunisian universities to reach their autonomy, which is one of the main objectives of the SAGESSE project.

These two key long-term actions in alignment with the Tunisian higher education reform, will lead to the implementation of the transition from Tunisian universities to a new statute where autonomy would be a crucial asset.

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