
Training for the Academic and Administrative Staff of the 13 Tunisian Universities on Monitoring of implementation of the University Strategic Plan, hosted by the University of Gabès from 27th to 29th November 2019

Following the training workshops which took place in April in Tunis and in June in Monastir respectively focused on the “Strategic Analysis and Performance Framework” and on the “Budgeting and multi-year Planning for the development” of the University Strategic Plan, the training workshop -hosted by the University of Gabès from 27 to 29 November 2019 in Zarzis, will discuss about the “Monitoring of the implementation of the University Strategic Plan through the definition of a performance monitoring and internal control system at the universities”. This event will conclude the series of training of trainers for the Tunisian universities as partners of the SAGESSE project which took place in Siena in December 2018.

The aim of this workshop is to build the draft of a performance monitoring and management control system to ensure better strategic and operational implementation of the University Strategic plan.

Around 60 participants are expected to attend this training workshop among academic and administrative staff of the 13 Tunisian universities, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Tunisian Agency on Evaluation, Accreditation and Quality Assurance.

The training is delivered by the University of Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and the CESIE, partners of SAGESSE project, with the cooperation of the Tunisian Ministry of Higher Education in particular of the unit on Management of Objectives (MBO).

To download the agenda of the event please click here.

Here following it is possible to dowload the powerpoint presentations of the ToT:

-Présentation général du projet_ UNIMED
-Cartographie des risques et plan d'actions 
-Contrôle interne en matière financière_Paris1
-Contrôle de gestion et pilotage par la donnée _ Paris1 
-Le dispositif de suivi de la performance_ MESRS

-Analyse questionnaire suivi filieres co-construites_CESIE
-Synthese et recommandations 

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