Quality control

Project quality control

The quality control is a constitutive part of the project so as to assure that objectives and activities are efficiently reached. The quality control strategy is built on the following measures:

Project results evaluation thanks to the Quality Control Committee including a member from each partner. The Quality Control Committee will be the strategic body in charge of evaluating the quality of the expected results. It will approve those results according to the referential indicators on quality and quantity (Logic Framework). To that end, at the beginning of the project the partners will define a Quality Control Plan specifying the results to be achieved and a clear contingency plan. The Committee will evaluate results during the implementation of the activities and later at the end. It will organise virtual meetings twice a year and the work will be mostly implemented by email. A further meeting will be organise to define adaptation measures in the event the results are not achieved as expected;
Collection of comments and feedbacks on the quality of training activities and services provided to participants;
Elaboration of direct remarks and supervision by the partner responsible for the evaluation and monitoring with the collaboration of all the members of the evaluation team on the project training activities in order to produce a valuable evaluation (in addition to the participants comments);
Midterm and final external evaluation. The external evaluator will be subcontracted in order to carry out a high quality external evaluation. The expert will evaluate the progress and success of the activities compared to the project indicators and he/she will suggest actions aiming at improving the results’ overall effectiveness. The evaluator will study and analyse data on the project in order to identify the achievement of results and their weaknesses. Furthermore, the expert will produce reports on the project status and make recommendations. He/She will be responsible for the definition of quality indicators and monitoring procedures, elaboration and submission of questionnaires and evaluation grids for the plenaries and the overall management, data collection and analysis, elaboration of evaluation reports including recommendations.

The University of Sfax (coordinator) and the Centro studi e iniziative europeo-CESIE (co-coordinator) will be responsible for this work and for the involvement of all partners. They will elaborate regular reports, a mid-term report and a final report on the evaluation activities.  

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