Dissemination and exploitation of results

Dissemination and exploitation of results

The University of Carthage UCAR in co-coordination with UNIMED, coordinates the dissemination activities of the project. However, all partners actively contribute to the development of communication actions.
Dissemination activities at national and regional levels are fundamental for the success of the project and its goals as they raise the stakeholders’ awareness on the importance of governance and quality assurance activities as a powerful tool for improving and reforming the financial structure of universities.
At the same time, dissemination and exploitation are used to disseminate the activities and results of the project, ensuring its impact.
For these reasons, the project pays close attention to the dissemination activities in Tunisia and also in other southern Mediterranean countries as an instrument to increase impact and guarantee that project results can include other universities and contribute to the progress of these institutions and target groups.

Activities include:

  • The preparation of a plan for the dissemination and exploitation of the project;
  • The implementation of a paper and digital communication strategy, which consist in the preparation and development of material for the dissemination of the project (logo, brochures, templates of documents to be used), the creation of a website and project profiles in social networks, preparation of a promotional video on project activities and results, publication of articles, press releases and press conferences;
  • The implementation of the "events" strategy includes the presentation of the project to the interest groups during the information sessions organised in the framework of the local workshops and the presentation of the project at the international events as well as the organisation of a final dissemination and exploitation event to which political decision-makers will also be invited for a greater impact of the future exploitation of the project;
  • The identification of other potential beneficiaries and interest groups for the future exploitation of project results is also important.

All partners collaborate with data and content to support the project's dissemination plan and the overall communication strategy.

Finally, SAGESSE will organize a Final Conference, which will be hosted by the University of Tunis El Manar UTM, to which will also be invited policy makers for the future exploitation of the project.



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